How to Create an Event in the Calendar App:

The Calendar app on your iPhone is truly wonderful. You have the ability to list your events that are taking place. With this feature, you no longer have to carry around a little calendar with you. The calendar app also gives you the ability to set alerts for events to remind you of when they are happening. Follow the steps below to create your own events in the app!

Step #1: Open the “Calendar” app on your iPhone or iPad.

Step #2: Select the date you want to add an even to.

Step #3: Tap the “+” icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. This will bring up another screen that gives you multiple options to choose from.

Step #4: Set a title for the event. This is where you put “Doctor’s appointment” or “Lunch with Friends.”

Step #5: Under the “Title” section, there will be an option titles “Location.” You can choose to type in the location of where you need to be or you can leave it out.

Step #6: Tap the “Starts” option and scroll through times to select the correct start time for your event.

Step #7: Tap the “Ends” option and scroll through the times to select the correct end time for your event. This is not a necessary option if you are unsure of when your event will end.

Step #8: If this an event that will be repeating, you can tap the “Repeat” option. You will be given options to choose from. These options mean how often you want this specific event to repeat on your calendar.

Step #9: If you want to set up a reminder for the event, then tap “Alert.” You will be given time options to choose from. You can choose whichever time you want or you do not have to choose one at all.

Step #10: Tap “Add” in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Tapping this option will add the event to your calendar.

Now you can organize all of your events right onto your phone!

Written by: Megan Williams

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