When you were a kid, you wrote your deepest darkest secrets in your diary and made sure that no one could find it. Now that you’re an adult you refer to this “diary” as a journal to sound more sophisticated. You may still write down your secrets in a journal, but journals are now mainly used as a healthy habit. Writing down your thoughts, feelings, moods, and experiences can overall help you feel happier. It may be hard for you to write in a journal because it’s not a regular habit, but below are five apps that will help you get started.
#1. Write.as
Write.as is one of the best apps you can download if you want to get in the habit of journaling. Lucky for you this app is available on the web, Android, or iOS users. The best part of this app is you don’t have to create an account to use it. This means that if someone got a hold of your journal entries, they would have no way to trace them back to you.
#2 Tiny Thoughts (Web): New Questions for Journaling Inspiration
When you first start journaling, it can be hard to think about what to write down. Sometimes this feeling can be overwhelming. If you are experiencing this type of trouble then Tiny Thoughts is perfect for you. Tiny Thoughts asks you a different question everyday. This immediately takes the pressure off of you when you don’t know what to write down. It also allows you to add tags to your entries, turn on notifications, and you can download all of your data.
#3. Dabble Me (Web, Email): Email-based journaling app
Unfortunately the free version of this app limits you, but you do have the option to pay $3 per month to access the full version. This email based app allows you to customize when you receive the reminders about the journal for the day, add photos and Spotify entries. When you receive an email, a journal prompt will be included for the day. Each email you receive will also have a random old entry attached so you can see the progress you’ve made.
#4. Jarme (Web, Android): A journal for live logging
Jarme is completely different than any other journal app you will encounter. This app gives you the option to take photos and write journal entries all throughout the day whenever you feel inspired or need to let go of some emotions. For the free version, the app will track the writing date, time, and place. You can also add colors, icons, and pictures to your entry. If you choose to purchase the premium version, you will have access to tagging, statistics, mood tracking, and a voice recorder. The best part of this app is the ability to put your journal entries into different categories.
#5. ZenJournal (Android, iOS)
ZenJournal is unique because it creates a long scroll of all your journal entries instead of creating one single entry for each time you journal. Once you are finished writing, you will not see that entry again unless you search for it. This app really focuses on the privacy of you journal. Everything is stored offline and you can erase all of your entries easily.
Now that you know of five apps to help you start journaling, you can easily download one and start writing. The fear of journaling can’t hold you back any longer with these amazing resources.
Written by: Megan Williams
Social Media 4 Seniors phone number: (865)437-6556
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