Tech Tips

How to share your location on both Apple Maps and Google Maps:

This is a neat little feature in both Apple Maps and Google Maps. In Apple Maps, you can send your current location by selecting the arrow in the bottom left, then tapping the share button on the bottom right (looks like a rectangle with an arrow coming out of it). Select “Message” and it’ll text a map image to your contact.

In Google Maps, press down and hold anywhere on the map to drop a pin. Tap the pin and select “Share” on the right, then Message. You can also tap “copy to clipboard” and paste that unique URL link into a text.

How to copy and paste on your tablet or smartphone:

Double-tap or press down on a word to select it. Tap “select” to select the adjacent word or tap “Select All” to grab everything. You can also drag the blue “grab points” (handles) to select larger blocks of text or to contract the text you’ve already selected. This may take a little practice.  Practice makes perfect! After you select the text, tap “Copy.” If you want to delete the text block, tap “cut” instead. Open a new email, text, or note and start a message. When you decide where to insert the text you just copied, tap the cursor. Up pops the commands. Tap “paste” to paste the text into the message.


How to Manually Create a Calendar Event:

Launch the Calendar app on your device. Tap on the plus sign to add a new event. At the bare minimum you’ll want to give your entry a title as well as a date and time. You can also enter an exact address under Location if you’d like. This will allow you to tap on the address when you are ready to go to your event and it will take you to your map to start your GPS for directions. Next, choose if you want the event to be an all day event. Turn this option off if the event has a specific time. You’ll then see dates and times you can edit and change. If you’re event repeats, you can customize it to do so under Repeat. You can also choose to have an alert or notification so you can be reminded of the event. Don’t forget to tap “Save” or “Done” to save your event. 


How to Manually Delete a Calendar Event

Launch the Calendar app on your device. Tap on the entry you’d like to edit in order to view its       information. Tap on Edit. Tap on Delete Event— it’s all the way at the bottom. Tap on Delete Event one more time when it pops up in order to confirm the delete.

How to Close your apps 

Apple: To close your apps so that you are not wasting battery, double click on the round home button.  Small screens will come up layered on top of one another.  Swipe each of these screens up towards the top of your phone.  This will close the apps. Don’t worry, they are not going away forever.  Just closing them.  This is good for two reasons. It saves your battery and it also turns the app off and restarts it the next time you open it so if there were any issues, such as the app freezing, or getting stuck, this won’t happen again because you are restarting it.

Android: To view the active applications, touch the “Recent” key, the one to the left of the “Home” key.  OR press and hold your home button. Tap and drag the apps you want to close to the right or left.  OR  press and hold your home button, tap the “task manager” button, on the bottom left, Tap “end” for each app you want to close, or “end all” to close them all. To remove an application from the recent applications, press and hold the application you would like to terminate. Touch “Remove from list.”

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