Do you have Microsoft Office on your computer? Do you subscribe to Microsoft 365 but not really using it to its fullest? Let us show you how to create a slideshow using Microsoft Powerpoint! In this 2-hour class you will learn:
1.Getting Started with Powerpoint
2.How to Create and Open Presentations
3.How to Save Presentations
4.Understanding Slide Basics
5.How to Apply Themes and Transitions
6.How to Insert Pictures, Videos and Audio
7.How to Insert Tables, Charts and Graphics
8.How to Align, Order and Group Objects
9.How to Present Your Slideshow
**Bring your laptop, tablet or smartphone to access Microsoft Powerpoint. Learning how to use Microsoft Powerpoint will be difficult with just a smartphone. It would be best to have a laptop or a tablet if you have one. You must also know how to use these devices confidently as this is not a workshop on how to use your device.